Передплата 2024 «Добрий господар»

Time «схрестив» Трампа і Путіна

У США продовжують критикувати президента за заяви під час саміту з лідером РФ

Усесвітньо відомий журнал Time «схрестив» президентів США Дональда Трампа та Росії Володимира Путіна на своїй обкладинці.

Фото обкладинки було розміщене на сайті видання.

Ілюстрація авторства Ненсі Барсон «має на меті висвітлення певного моменту у міжнародній політиці США, який сформувався після зустрічі у Гельсінкі в Фінляндії», — читаємо у Time.

Тема випуску номера, який надійде у продаж 30 липня, — «Трамп хотів зустрічі з Путіним. Він отримав набагато більше, ніж просив» (Trump Wanted a Summit With Putin. He Got Way More Than He Bargained For).

Водночас на сторінці видання в Instagram розміщено відео «перетворення» Трампа на Путіна.

At first glance, the man on our July 30, 2018, cover might seem familiar: it was created by morphing images of two of the world’s most recognizable men, President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The composite image, by visual artist @nancyburson, is meant to represent this particular moment in U.S. foreign policy, following the pair’s recent meeting in Helsinki. As our senior White House correspondent Brian Bennett writes in this week’s cover story: “A year and a half into his presidency, Trump’s puzzling affinity for #Putin has yet to be explained. #Trump is bruised by the idea that Russian election meddling taints his victory, those close to him say, and can’t concede the fact that Russia did try to interfere in the election, regardless of whether it impacted the outcome. He views this problem entirely through a political lens, these people say, unable or unwilling to differentiate between the question of whether his campaign colluded with #Russia—which he denies—and the question of whether Russia attempted to influence the election.” Burson, who became well known for developing a technique to age faces, which is used by the FBI to find missing children, says the goal of her latest composite is to help readers “stop and think” when it comes to similarities between the two leaders. “What my work has always been about is allowing people to see differently,” she tells TIME. “The combining of faces is a different way for people to see what they couldn’t see before.” Read this week's full cover story on TIME.com. Photo illustration by @nancyburson for TIME (Digital imaging by @johndepew. Source photographs: Trump: @gettyimages; Putin: Kremlin handout)

Допис, поширений TIME (@time)

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